Statement: The healthcare organisation has strategies in place to achieve a tobacco-free campus.
Commitment to a smokefee campus reflects a health organisation’s firm stance on smoking and tobacco, and acknowledgement of their active role in preventing tobacco related harm. And while it can be an ongoing challenge to achieve a completely smokefree environment, the goal of denormalising smoking is one that can remain firmly in our sights.
The healthcare organisation has completely tobacco-free buildings (including associated devices/e-cigarettes).
The healthcare organisation has completely tobacco-free grounds and transport systems (including associated devices/e-cigarettes).
The healthcare organisation has clear and unambiguous signage that defines the products prohibited and identifies boundaries for buildings and grounds of the tobacco-free campus.
The healthcare organisation prohibits the sale, distribution and advertisement of tobacco products and associated devices/ e–cigarettes, anywhere within the organisation.
The healthcare organisation has a procedure in place to ensure that all service users, staff and visitors are never exposed to secondhand smoke/e-cigarette vapour within the boundaries of the tobacco-free campus.
Any exceptional circumstances of tobacco use by service users is managed by a procedure that is consistent with the denormalisation of tobacco.
The healthcare organisation has a procedure in place to document and manage any breaches of policy including incidents of exposure of staff, service users or public to secondhand smoke/e-cigarette vapour.